A Real-World Solution To Decarbonization
Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)
A Successful Plan for Real-World Decarbonization
Emitter Partnership: Verde is partnering with specific point source CO2 emitters in the power generation, hydrogen, ethanol, oilfield and other industries. Emitters may act as a project finance partner or solely as a provider of flue gas.
CO2 Capture Equipment: Verde has extensive relationships within both the EPC space and CO2 capture technology companies.
Fuel Sources: Verde is advancing projects where CO2 is generated from a variety of fuel sources: natural gas, coal, ethanol, steam generation, and bio fuels. Each source must be synchronized with bespoke technology.
Disposal: Verde is leading a multi jurisdictional CCS business prioritizing permanent sequestration although certain projects may utilize EOR injection until Class VI permits can be obtained.
Project Location: Source sink matching is the most important element governing project economics, timing and efficiency. All of Verde’s current projects have been selected to align with this critical element.
Tax/Credit/Regulatory: Verde specializes is the utilization of federal, state and local carbon capture credits, grants, incentives, permits, approvals and project funding.
Business Structure: Verde’s structure allows for the assembly of a diverse portfolio of assets with complementary cash flow streams.